The Best Way to Make Coffee Outdoors – Aeropress Review


The Aeropress Go… This little device has allowed me to make fresh coffee while climbing, hiking, or camping. Is it worth the money, or would the normal Aeropress be a better choice? That’s what this post is about.

I don’t need to write a whole post about what I think of the device because I like it. I am a big fan of coffee, and I love to be able to enjoy it outdoors. This device allows me to do that. So yes, I 100% recommend the Aeropress Go, especially if you are a lover of the outdoors and spend a lot of time in it.

You are making a coffee with this is like with anything else. If you have a good quality coffee, even if you mess up your brew a little, it will still be good.

How does it compare to the AeroPress?

I think that as a hiker, or climber, the go is ideal, and I recommend this version. If you aren’t using it outdoors, there is no need for the shot. First of all, it’s smaller. Luckily my brewing method still works in it, but barely. If I wanted to go bigger, I couldn’t (my way will be below).

That’s why if you are looking at an Aeropress for everyday use, go for the original one. Just think, where ever you go, you’ll have easy access to a cup or mug to make the Aeropress in.

So yes, the Aeropress is a great way to make coffee, and it is straightforward to do so while on the go.

How to brew with the Aero Press (Outdoors)

Being outdoors, you must weigh 11g of coffee at home. You will also want to grind it if you get beans or don’t have a portable hand grinder.

11g of coffee and 200g of boiled water. When outdoors, it’s hard to weigh or measure water, so eyeball it.

  • Put the filter into the cap. Don’t rinse or preheat the brewer (it doesn’t make any difference)
  • Put coffee into the brewer
  • Add water
  • Wait 2 minutes
  • Holding the brewer and the piston, gently swirl the brewer
  • Press all the way gently
  • Drink and enjoy!

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