Grivel Trend Bouldering Mat Review


The Grivel Trend Bouldering mat was the first one I used, and this post will cover whether you should too or get something else. Like all my reviews, I will cover what I do and don’t like about this mat, along with the RRP and specifications.

The first thing I want to say and what sold me on this Grivel Bouldering mat is the way it lays flat. Unlike most mats, it has a collective zip, meaning you can either open the mat side by side (120cmx110cm) or lengthwise (230cmx60cm). Other than this, it could be the same as any others on the market. This is a great feature, especially if you are only after one mat.

This next paragraph could be considered a pro or a con so. At the same time, it is supportive and OK to fall on. It does come in thinner than others on the market. The pro of this is that as it is thinner, it is lighter. The con is that if you take a significant fall, you will have slightly less protection under you.

The Grivel Trend mat also comes in some cool patterns. I just got the yellow version, as it was on sale. The others look funny, though.


These specs are from

RRP £234.95 (I’m pretty sure I got it for close to, if not less than £100, so look around.)

  • Materials/construction/technologies: nylon and foam
  • Sizes: 120 x 110 x 10 cm
  • Weight: 4,9 kg (172,8 oz)

I wish I could give you more specs. From what I can tell, the mat has 2-3 types of foam inside at different densities to ensure maximum protection in case of a fall.

I hope this post was what you needed to help with your decision on this bouldering mat. We review lots of different products, so take a look. You may even find some other gear you’d like to buy. That’s all from me for this review (I update these as often as I have something new about the product, so check back soon, and I may have more to say about these).

It’s just a crash mat, and they all work well; I like this one, which is why I bought it.

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