Outdoor Ascent is all about bringing people and inspiring people to go outdoors. We have been looking into (along with joining and organising) group hikes, and hiking groups. So far we think they are great, especially for people wanting to hike more who may be a little apprehensive about hiking alone.
At Outdoor Ascent, we are fairly experienced and often overlook the fears of getting into hiking. Especially with all the information and scaremongering out there. After joining and having some great times on these group hikes, we thought instead of just talking about them. We would ask members of hiking groups about how the groups have benefited them.
We have had some great responses to the form that we sent out to the groups, so let’s have a look at them and see what other people think about hiking groups… Spoiler, hiking groups are about a lot more than just going for a walk. They are great places to meet new like-minded people and can have huge benefits for mental health, along with building your confidence when hiking.

People’s experiences with hiking groups!
On the form we put 6 questions asking about experiences along with how many group hikes they have been on and the benefits they have seen from them. Let’s take a look at some responses.
How many group hikes have you been on?
I had to ask this first, I wanted to gauge where people were at with group hikes. The range of answers surprised me. I had quite a few people who had done 1-3, however, I had a few people who were a lot more used to group hiking. The range of answers over all of the responses was 1-18. Yes 18 group hikes, so we definitely will be getting some good informed responses over the rest of the questionnaire.
What are the people you’ve met and would you say you’ve made new friends?
Next and one of the most important, the people. The groups are there to help meet new like-minded people. Which is exactly what they have done for me and many others.
Some of my favourite responses:
Anyway, what were the responses like? Overall responses, I didn’t have anyone complain or say they have met any “bad” people. Now yeah you won’t get on with everyone and that’s fine. No one expects you to, but as long as no one is horrible it’s all going to be good, and you’ll still have a good time
- Some are now my closest mates, as a 30+ year old when your friends are married off with kids it’s so nice to meet new people who like to drop things and go explore.
- The people I have met have been fairly outgoing, energetic and friendly. I have made one or two friends along the way, but due to the distance of where people are based it’s not as easy to make friends as I tend to meet them in places a lot further afield to do the larger hikes but everyone is lovely.
- Everyone is there for the same reason, to have fun and make new friends. The people in these groups have always made me feel welcome and part of the group, even on my first hike. It is a great way to make like-minded new friends.
- The people are generally lovely, I’d say definitely on the road to becoming friends.
- Everyone has been kind and appeared to join for the same reason – essentially boosting their mental health and finding a bunch of people with similar interests/ hobbies feel like I’ve made new friends.
How do you feel joining such events has helped your mental health and well-being?
Mental health across the country is at an all-time low. As wait times for mental health services can be long, we have to figure out ways to cope and improve our mental health. Don’t get me wrong I know how f it can be to even get out of bed.
A big thing contributing to low mood is a lack of human connection and release. Hiking and spending time outdoors can be that release. Along with meeting amazing people which can also have huge benefits towards mental health.
Some of my favourite responses:
- It gave me a community which gives me the boost to always go to the next adventure. Being excited, waking up early to attend, the after coffee/tea, and the dopamine that this experience gives you is keeping your mental health very healthy.
- Being outside is one of the most important things for me. Being with like-minded people is certainly a positive and has helped my mental health and well-being massively over the years.
- These hikes and events allow me to not only get out of the house but also get out of my head and be around some genuinely nice people
- If anything it’s improved. Scary at first especially joining an already established thing but after a few you calm yourself and it’s like seeing your mates again.
- Massively! I’m looking forward to something different every week and getting to see a lovely bunch of people. I’m feeling the best I’ve been for a long long time.
Do you find having these groups has helped you feel more confident in going outdoors?
Going hiking can be daunting for a beginner. More seasoned hikers may see Kinder Scout as just a nice walk. Think back to your first hike chances are that weren’t alone.
How did you feel, I bet you were a little nervous about things such as fitness, the route itself and navigation. I still get scared sometimes when alone on routes that are new to me.
Hiking with more confident people will help you push yourself, and feel better about the hike to come. Along with that, after a few group hikes, you may feel confident enough to venture out alone or not, you may just want to hike with others and that is fine too.
Some of my favourite responses:
- Yeah for sure, having people with you and not solo hiking can be so much more mentally relaxing knowing you don’t need to navigate all the time as somebody else is taking charge. You’re just there to enjoy the journey.
- Yes, I would never have had the confidence to go on any of the hikes without the group.
What would you say to someone considering joining in on a group hike?
It’s scary, you have been told your whole life not to trust strangers, and now you are considering meeting a bunch in a car park in the middle of nowhere at 8 am. I was nervous on my first one, and I’m sure everyone else was too.
If it’s not scary or hard is it worth it? To grow, and meet new people, you have to put yourself out there. Being scared is fine it’s normal, but nothing good comes from hiding away from things that frighten you. If you a careful and as safe as you can be you will be great. Come on now, what’s the worst that will happen? Don’t take it from me though look at what other people have said.
Some of my favourite responses:
- Any trepidation you’ve got? Just consider that if I at my low level of fitness and having almost no social capability can go on these hikes and enjoy them and be an active participant means you can as well
- Just do it, find like-minded people who want to be outdoorsy and who share a common interest. Just say YES to adventure. It will be the best thing you ever do.
- Just try one time and they’ll love it, and the amazing view at 8 am can’t be that bad.
- Just do it, find like-minded people who want to be outdoorsy and share a common interest. Just say YES to adventure. It will be the best thing you ever do.
- Go for it! It will be the best decision you make.
Any other comments on how groups have helped you, or your opinion on then
I also asked this, there’s not much for me to say here. As you can see, people value these groups for a multitude of reasons.
- Some groups I’ve joined have been toxic it’s about finding the right balance and just letting go and saying f*** yeah…
- Helped me socialize with new people and make new friends. I’m less anxious than before. Also more fit with my health too.
- I do enjoy going on group hikes, especially ones with people of a similar age and experience as it tends to help me feel more relatable with others.
- The groups in general have come at a good time, I’m going through a lot with my career and personal life and none of it is really pleasant. It’s given me an escape, people to talk to, and generally an outlet. I have nothing but nice things to say about the groups.
- Once you start to see the same people more and more you branch off and make mini groups some tougher hikes/scrambles or things like going ice skating or going building each other in the Lego shop. You start to find the people that you want to have in your life/be in your life.
- It can be so tricky meeting like-minded people when it comes to outdoorsy things because you don’t usually find them in a pub or on a night out! So having a group like this has been great.

My Response
As this is my blog, I feel it’s only right to share my answers to all of these questions so you know my thoughts on group hikes. You can probably guess from the above how I feel, but here are my answers. I’m going to be as honest as I can, so you’ll get some insight into who I am too.
How many group hikes have you been on? I have done 6, 2 of which I planned the route, and 1 I organised everything. I also have about 6 planned over the next 3 months.
What are the people you’ve met and would you say you’ve made new friends? I’d say over the 6 hikes I have met close to 50 people so far. I’ve met people who are different and may not be my go-to, but I have also met some of the most amazing people. Some I believe will become actual friendships.
How do you feel joining such events has helped your mental health and well-being? As someone who has struggled a lot with my mental health over the years, and recently broke up with my partner of 3.5 years. I can honestly say that my mental health is the best it’s ever been, and these groups have 100% played a big role in that.
Do you find having these groups has helped you feel more confident in going outdoors? I spend a lot of time alone in the mountains, so I’d say no to this for me. I’ve loved meeting new, and like-minded people.
What would you say to someone considering joining in on a group hike? Do it, there is no reason not to. DM me on Instagram either @alexlee01 or @outdoorascent and we will get you on to a group hike that is right for you.
Any other comments on how groups have helped you or your opinion on them You will meet the best people of you’re life on these group hikes. And remember to dress appropriately, we are in the UK after all, you’ll spend more time soaked than dry, but it’s all part of the experience.
Conclusion – Group Hikes are Great
So, are you convinced that group hikes are great? It may not be your type of thing, but I wholeheartedly believe that everyone into hiking should give at least one a go. If you don’t like it, that’s fine you never have to see these people again. I hope to see you out on the hills or in the mountains soon!
Also a special thanks to @northernhikersuk and @active.wroe. Without this amazing man, I would have never tried group hikes, and without the amazing Danielle who set up Northern Hikers, I would have never thought to host my own. Big love to them both.