Hiking Poles: Worth it or not?


Let’s talk about hiking poles. Whether you love or hate them, they are here to stay. If you hate them is it because they don’t look “cool”? I know many people along with me thought/ think like this.

Not only do poles help reduce the pressure on your joints and muscles, but they also help with balance and speed. I know how poles can make you faster… Well, having the poles for support and balance requires less focus on foot placement, therefore, less stress and readjustments when hiking on uneven terrain.

In addition to reducing pressure on joints and aiding with balance and speed, hiking poles also provide stability and can help prevent falls. They can be especially useful when crossing streams or traversing steep or slippery terrain. Additionally, poles can help distribute weight more evenly, making it easier to carry heavy backpacks. Finally, hiking poles can also provide an upper body workout, helping build strength and endurance in the arms, shoulders, and back.

My experience

I first used poles when I went to Scotland as my friend asked if I had some. I didn’t, but I thought why not, and as I had a voucher I bought a set of poles. I took them to Scotland and wasn’t sure if it uses them. However, I was in a group coming on a long descent. Everyone got poles out, so I thought why not try them as I have them on my pack?

I enjoyed less than 20 meters of walking with the poles. I already have trouble with my knees (I know I’m only 22, it’s a long story). And the poles reduced the force going through my knee and legs. Removing any pain, I may have had on the walk and in the coming days. Less stress on the joints and muscles made the week easier and more fun.


In conclusion, the debate over hiking poles often revolves around their perceived coolness factor, but their undeniable benefits make them valuable companions on the trails. Beyond aesthetics, these poles play a crucial role in reducing pressure on joints, enhancing balance, and increasing overall hiking speed.

The firsthand experience shared here, particularly in the challenging terrain of Scotland, highlights the immediate relief and comfort they can provide, especially for those grappling with knee issues. Hiking poles not only contribute to a safer and more stable trek, aiding in stream crossings and steep terrains, but they also serve as a practical tool for distributing weight during backpacking.

Top Hiking Pole Suggestions

Click on the name to check prices online and purchase.

Black Diamond Trail Trekking Poles (Pair) RRP£85

Leki Khumbu Lite Trekking Poles (Pair) RRP£95

Leki Makalu FX Carbon Poles (Pair) RRP£195

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